
Showing posts from April, 2018

Daily Supports

What does support mean to me? It means a lifeline, literally a life preserver in times of trouble. My father was a boater. He was always worried about his children around the water. Even when we proved ourselves proficient swimmers, he still insisted we wear a life jacket. I believe this was mainly to help him feel better, especially once we were adults! This life jacket is what I picture as my supports in life, what I need to feel like I can make it through challenges, even if they are day to day items I am used to doing. It is the routines I follow, people around me, and the standards that instruct my teaching. In my daily environment, those supports take the form of several people and items. First, my husband is the greatest source of support in my life. He works hard to provide financially for our family which allows me to work in a much lower paying job that I love. Charlie listens helps me think through challenges, and provides support with our children and home as well. My sc