
Showing posts from January, 2018

Public Health Measures that Impact Child Development: Mental Health of Mothers, Fathers, and Families

Children develop based on their life experiences. Their brains process information, learn lessons, and connect memory to language to emotion. Babies seek and receive attention, and each of these experiences strengthens or weakens the connections in the brain (Berger, 2016). This week I chose to look at mental health as it is experience driven and a personal issue close to my heart as well as my own child’s development. It was not until I was an adult that I found out my grandmother was diagnosed with bi polar disorder. She was always just a little different, but we just chalked that up to the hardships she faced from poverty and a “tough” marriage. Turns out both my grandmother and father struggled with mental health issues. Growing up with this type of father meant you just never knew what mood he may be in. There were days we were off and running, going quickly from activity to activity. Other days he would be sullen and as children we would serve as his cheer section. At the

Childbirth in My Life and in Switzerland

Although I am a proud mother of two children, in this blog I chose to highlight the birth story of my youngest as she made a more dramatic entrance. I had an epidural with the first birth and a smooth delivery so my birthing plan did not significantly change this time around. However, I did feel like I had a better idea of what to expect, and therefore had zero intention of sitting in a hospital room all day on some labor inducing medications! Instead, my husband, son, and I attended a birthday party for a friend of the family. After all, labor takes a while, right? We ate, chatted, and watched our son play while quietly timing contractions until they were 4-5 minutes apart and I felt like the pain/nausea was intensifying. Unfortunately we had to miss the gift opening and pinata to make our way to the hospital. In that 20 minute drive I remember thinking two things- this pain did not feel the same as last time, and why won't he drive faster! Its funny how fast things go from
Welcome! This blog will document my journey toward a new chapter chapter in my career. I love working with second graders, and watching their excitement, confidence, and joy grow as they become proficient readers. There is something magical about working day in and day out with a child and seeing them finally light up with understanding, thrilled they are able to read and truly understand a story. I love sharing my adventures with these students, and encouraging them to set off on adventures beyond their wildest dreams. What I am learning along the way is how much I have to learn! So, follow along as I go back to school and discover so much more about how to inspire these students to be and do their best. The joy is in the journey, and the journey never ends! Mrs. Jessica Shivers