Hope and Appreciation

This is the final blog of my graduate program, and as such, it is a chance to think about what my hope is going forward. I have learned more about myself as well as the profession than I thought possible, and am incredibly grateful for the interactions with my colleagues along the way. Each person that challenged my thinking, inspired me to look into an area of learning I had not considered, and supported me with positive feedback has helped shape be into a better educator. You each have my gratitude. My hope for my future as an early childhood professional is simple- to be the difference a a child's life. I want the children I work with to understand that even if I did not come from the same background, or do not speak the same language at home, or have not had the same trauma they face, that I care more about their success in life than their grades. I want them to understand that I am here to support them, and will work until I find their unique niche that makes learning enjo...