Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

Homophobia and heterosexism are unfortunately permeating the world of childrens toys, media, and literature in ways we must be more aware of. In looking for positive and negative examples of sexual orientation in childrens literature and media, what I discovered was that it was difficult to find any mainstream items portraying homosexual parents in any normalizing way. Even as much forward progress toward acceptance we've made as a society, when it comes to children, we are still modeling almost exclusively hetero examples for them. This part of many children's social identity, as a child of two moms or two dads, is nearly invisible commercially. What is present in terms of modeling are examples such as these: Barbie can be bought separately, but the messaging is clear here, she is supposed to marry Ken. This is what both the dolls and the Barbie cartoon consistently adhere to in the storyline and marketing. Even in trolls, an otherwise positive motivational movie, bo...